Herbert J. Mattie Masks galore Gepost op januari 25, 2023 by Herbert J. Mattie Protective masks from the digital archives of the Plague Museum – 19th century DIY mask, early 20th century London smog 1827 Oral respirator Jeffreys Oral respirator Jeffreys Smoke-proof dress by Paulin 1837 Aldini asbestos and metal gauze suit against heat and smoke 1830 Smoke mask with pump and hose, Von Bremen Mask and hood for protection 1847 German mask against lead-poisoning 1825 Protection against lead-poisoning in enamel factory Protection against lead-poisoning in enamel factory Water-filter by Poirel 1862 Haslett's lung protector 1849 Benjamin Lane's Pneumatic Life Preserver 1850 Detroye 1894 Mask by Hoffmann 1866 Protector agains dust and disease from 1872 Barton's cap with respirator Barton's smoke cap with respirator 1873 Respirator by Tyndall Draeger's anti-smoke apparatus Smoke-hood by Magirus 1875 Tyndall Sinclair Cottrell 1875 Fire-fighter with smoke mask 1861 Neally 1879 Neally 1877 Störk apparatus 1874 The Respirol 1879 Fire-fighter with respirator 1881 Firemens protection mask Koenig 1889 Standard mask anonymous 1878 The Respirator Veil 1878 Mask with cotton-wool filter produced by Collin 1890 Protective mask 1879 Respirator by Burney Yeo 1882 Merz protective mask 1894 Knitted respirator Respirator 1885 Protector for nose and mouth 1888 Two-layered metal gauze mask with cotton inbetween Antiseptic respirator 1881 Mouth protector by Maw&Sons 1884 Hutson R. Hurd's smoke protection Firemen's protection mask Koenig Reischel 1889 Peekaboo! Smoke mask by Stolz 1887 Respiratory mask by Wood, 1899 Fireproof garment by Betsy Martin 1892 Protective hood from quarantaine station Venice Hood by Salomon 1894 Dust mask by Simmelbauer 1894 Masque Detourbe 1894 Detroye's dust-mask Mask 1895, Fels See-through mask worn by metal worker 1894 Gilders wearing masks, gloves and aprons, 1858 Worker in red lead factory 1920s Anti-lead mask 1896 Protective masks 1896 We do not own the rights of these images.