What did they do in times of plague: the Cities, the Clergy, the People, the Doctors?
1. What the Cities did
Close the city
Build Plague Hospitals
Isolate suspected and confirmed patients
Hospitalize the sick
Hire people
Have the dead buried
Burn their stuff
Make a lot of smoke
Issue regulations
Punish the violators
Kill the animals
Hire more people
Remove the bodies
Build a church
2. What the Clergy did
Organize a procession
Perform the last rites
Attend to the sick
Bury the dead
3. What the People did
Flee the city
Find a scapegoat
Live on
4. What the Doctors did
When they were physicians: feel the pulse and inspect urine
Prescribe medicines
When they were surgeons: lance buboes
Let blood
Flee the city
When they were charlatans: sell potions
What did the doctors wear? Find out in our Costume Department.
HJMattie, March 02, 2022